
Season 1 | Episode 9: Building Solutions that Delivers Value to your Employees and Business (with Sarah Christine)

Here’s another interesting episode with Sarah Christine Deloughery. Sarah is a Design Thinking expert and team lead digital at 2BM an Information Technology company based in Denmark.


Most companies when developing a product tend to give most of their attention to the customers, neglecting the employees and staff who also have a major part to play in delivering an offering to customers.
Some companies, on the other hand, go all out to purchase new gadgets for their employees to assist them in their daily tasks without first considering if there is a need for these products by their employees.

Sarah Christine is a Designer and IT consultant who helps teams build User- centric SAP solutions. She shares with us ways in which she approached designs for her clients, also noting out important areas businesses should look out for if they want to create innovative solutions that improve on the value for their customers, employees and business.